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Our engineers will guide you in selecting and integrating a Big Data solution that fits both your need and your  budget.  We are not shy to recommend open source solutions whenever available.


We will direct you to industry proven hardware and software solutions that will get you started in your Big Data strategy with minimum cost and design time. 

On-site Cluster Integration and Deploment

  • Hadoop Installation and Configuration

  • High Availabily Deployment

  • Ecosystem Customization

  • HDFS Federation

  • Testing and deployment.

Cloud Deployment

  • AWS EMR deployment

  • Hadoop Cluster on Amazon EC2 with Cloudera Director and Manager

  • Microsoft Azure deployment

Data Storage Solutions

  • HBase, Kudu, HDFS, AWS S3, Azure Blob, Mongo DB, Couch DB

Data Ingestion Solutions

  • Flume,Sqoop, Kafka, NiFi

ETL and Data Analysis Tools

  • Hive, Pig, Impala, Spark

Predictive Analytics

  • Machine Learning - Spark ML


  • Excel, Tableau, Qlik, R

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